How to Stay Organised - Tips and Tricks
By Amy Xie
9th March 2021
Being organised may come naturally to some, while may be extremely challenging to others. Having said this, here are some tips you can use to help you stay organised, especially when things get hectic during the semester.
1. Develop a routine
There are many benefits of having a routine, with one being helping you stay organised. By implementing a structure to your day, it can give you a sense of control and reduce stress, especially when you’re feeling overwhelmed or when you’re faced with unpredictable and uncertain times. Additionally, routines can accentuate your focus and improve your productivity.
If you don’t have a routine, you can start by writing down a general weekly schedule and list the times that you’ll do a task, such as when you’ll read a chapter from your textbook, when you’ll review the things you’ve learned or when you’ll move your body and exercise.
Routines don’t have to be strict and it’s okay to miss or skip a few things from your routine. However, having a framework or a structure to your day can be extremely beneficial, and keep you organised.
2. Do 5 minutes of daily planning
Before you start your day or a task, take 5 minutes to plan it out. By doing this, you’ll be able to decide what specific tasks to work on for the day, what tasks are due in the next few days and any other life events you have going on.
Daily planning can keep you organised for the day, the week and the month, as it will ensure you’re always working on the task with the highest priority and staying on top of things.
3. Create your own deadline that is before the actual deadline
Creating your own deadline and putting them in your planner or calendar can keep you organised and reduce stress. Additionally, you’ll also be more likely to submit your best work, as you’ll have extra time to edit, spell check and review your work before the submission date. Planning your own deadline can improve your concentration and drive you to finish the task at hand.
4. Work on one task at a time
Multitasking may be tempting to do, especially if you have multiple projects due at the same time. However, it has the potential to slow you down and take you longer to complete the projects than it would to finish each one separately. This may be because multitasking can make you prone to making more errors due to the potential stress it may cause.
To alleviate this, it’s best to work on one task at a time, as you’ll be able to put all your attention and focus solely on that one project, allowing you to reduce errors and stress. Aim to write down all your tasks on a sticker note, and place it in an area where it is highly visible. Do the task that is of the highest priority and once you have finished that one, check it off and you may go onto the next.
5. Use a diary/planner
Planners and diaries are essential in a student’s life. They give users the freedom to plan their schedule, keep track of their work, projects and assignments, and most of all, stay organised. Having a planner or diary can also reduce overwhelming feelings of stress, as you can dump all your 300 things you need to do for that day.
If you don’t have a planner or diary already, it’s time to get one now!
By doing these tips, you will be able to stay organised, even amidst the busiest times.